Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Web Based Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational safety and health (OSH) is related to the safety and health in the working environment. There have many organization in governmental bodies are promote occupational safety and health at work such as the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission in Australia, Occupational Safety and Health Council in Hong Kong and also Health and safety Commission in the United Kingdom.

The safety and health at workplace can be promoting in the education and training, community at the organization. The effectives of management of OSHA is depend who the organization preventing hazard in the workplace context by implementing with the comprehensive management of human resources and organizational strategy.  

 Web based Occupational Safety and Health is the best strategy that organizations use to give the awareness for the employees about the important of the OSH at workplace. Organization can use the own website to promote the safety among the employees. Using the safety and health web application facilitates the management can help the employee welfare to standardize procedures, risk analysis, approval measures and mentoring Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) process at the workplace. Besides that, it also can help the organization avoid the employees injuries with ensure the employees comply with OSHA standard through OSHA Compliance Assistance in their web based system that contains both online and written resources. These are including employee training resource, e-Tools, factsheets on specific health and safety topics, and guidelines for complying with specific regulations.

Other than that, by using the web based application occupational safety and heath the organization can gain more advantages for the organization such as the management can link the organization with the consultant or agencies of safety and health to get more information about the safety and health issues that can give knowledge for the all staff in organization.

The example of database application system OSHA is OSHA Performance and Tracking Measurement System (OPTMS) to obtain information on activities related to OSHA CPRA goals. This Web-based system requires no additional reporting because it includes 276 data elements that already exist in other OSHA data systems (GAO, 2001). Meanwhile, the Construction Safety and Health Monitoring (CSHM) system is the web-based system for monitoring and assessing construction safety and health performance. The design and development of CSHM is an integration of internet and database systems, with the intent to create a total automated safety and health management tool. (393 words)


Carol Boyd, (2003) Human Resource Management And Occupational Health And Safety, Simultaneously Published In The USA And Canada

GAO (2001), Workplace safety and health OSHA should strengthen the management of its consultation program: report to congressional committees, DIANE Publishing.

J.Kavanagh, Thite, and D. Johnson (2012). Human Resource Information Systems (2nd ed). New York.

Norliza Katuk. (2009). Web-based support system for flood response operation in Malaysia. V.18.327.

Victorian Waste Management Association, (2006), Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health

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