Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Web-Based Employee Learning and Development

According to Serrat (2009) stated that a learning organization influence effectiveness in develop organizational. Nowadays, Employee Learning and Development (ELD) system is most famous. The internet is one example of technology that offers ways to increase learning, link resources and share valuable knowledge within and outside an organization. Using the internet organization can e-mail for accessing courses material and sharing information about the training, bulletin boards, forums and new group for posting comments and questions. The advantages of internet based training (IBT) are universal language, easy and affordable distribution, and new content and cheap technology. (Ronald R. Sims, 1998)

Besides that, the intranet also can give effective learning for organization. The primary benefit of an intranet is ability to focus the content to a particular reason while conquering many of the technology limitations inherent in the World Wide Web (www). With the intranet, the trainers can provide employees access to current training materials incorporating text, graphics, video and audio, available in self-directed mode at the PC and accessible anyway of geographic location. Computer manufacturer Hewlett-Packard is company recently completed on on-line, world-wide conference for about 2,000 employees involved in education and training (Greco 1997). The advantage of intranet is employees do not have to work around a set schedule and they will have complete written record of what transpired.

In the web-based technology and ELD system has the many function such as to handle and organize employees training, career planning and development. ELD system also can help in analyzing the career of employee based on their requirement and performance at the same it can propose the right training that need to upgrade and develop employees knowledge, skills and abilities. E-learning is example in the ELD system. The advantage of E-learning is can gain knowledge with low cost than attending training. Besides that, the employee also can improve their computer skills. But the ELS system also has the disadvantages such as lack of interaction among trainee. At the same time they can't refer any one if they didn't understand the information about the training.

Usually the organization has the ELS system has more support from the top management. This is because it related a many budget to develop and also the learning culture of the organization. For my view, for the one day the ELD systems are more useful in the organizations compare the traditional-paper method.  (394 words)


Alan M. Saks, Robert R. Haccoun,(2010), Managing Performance Through Training and Development, Sate of America.

Alfred J. Walker & Towers Perrin. (2001). Web-Based Human Resources: The Technologies and Trends That Are Transforming HR. McGraw-Hill.

Ronald R. Sims, (1998), Reinventing Training and Development, State of America.

Serrat, O. (2009). Building a Learning Organization. Knowledge Solutions, p.46- 53

Swanson, R.A. (1987), “Training technology system: a method for identifying and solving training problems in industry and business”, Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, Vol. 24, pp. 7-17. 

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