Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Web Based Compensation and Planning

In the early days, all of the compensation planning is being made by the processor computers tracking payroll at that time it is very hard to handle. Then, in the 80s and early 90s is become the compensation planning shifting to PC, automating all of the HR tasks like job evaluation and salary planning. But, now after the early 90s come to an era where compensation planning is used by the managers with of web based compensation planning. Refer to Brink and McDonnell (2003), all the process used to design, communicate and manage pay are moving toward web applications.
            Nowadays the web based compensation and planning are in website become a trend for the organization applying to prepare for salary planning budget and the level of salary every employees based on the merits system include employees performance evaluation, bonus allocation experience, and equity awards. Using the web based compensation models the managers can carry out salary planning functions much easier than was possible with paper based process.

            There has many advantages and benefits in the web based compensation and planning application for the organization. The first is it can save time for HR staffs to manage with deal to the employees. This is because  every employee can access the HR department through the web provided includes current information about compensation policy, program description, an explanation of qualifications and new forms of compensation from the web application. Besides that, the web based application can be using anytime at the 24 hours per 7 days. So, this give benefits for the employees to view their pay and benefits information and also employees can update their personal profile at home.

Other benefits gain from using the web base application is data automation. Automation of existing processes and procedures has cost saving benefits. Significant data automation relieves HR professionals from routine tasks such as data entry, filing and report writing. Data importing and exporting are made easy between other office applications software. Refer to the Wright (2003), estimates that a 12,000 person firm can save as much as $850,000 per years in administrative costs by automating compensation planning alone.

In my opinion, the web based compensation planning can help the HR department analysis the good way in compensation. So, explore about the web based compensation planning is important to the final years student in human resources.(392 words)


            Brink, S, & McDonnell, S. (2003) e-Compensation. In the e-merging technologies go-to-guide. (pp.4.1-4.18). Burtlington, MA: IHRIM Press.

Wright, A. (2003), Tools for automating complex compensation programs. Compensation & Benefits Review, 35 (6), 53-61.

Stiffler, M. A (2011), Incentive compensation and the Web. Compensation & Benefits Review, 33 (1), 15-19. 

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