In conclusion, the web based application and
system are gives the many benefit for the organization and also the workers.
Using the web base application the organization can easily to doing the any
task with properly. The exposure about the web based application for the
employees can give impact positive such as this can improve the level of KSA
among employees in computer skills. Although there are many advantages in web
base, but the management need to be careful in managing its application. This
case is important to make sure there are no mistakes in the delivery of information
to employees. In my
opinion, the management must keep up to date the information in the web-based
application at organization to ensure that employees get the latest information
the next it can reduce the error information in the workplace. (138 words)
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Web Based Compensation and Planning
the early days, all of the compensation planning is being made by the processor
computers tracking payroll at that time it is very hard to handle. Then, in the
80s and early 90s is become the compensation planning shifting to PC,
automating all of the HR tasks like job evaluation and salary planning. But,
now after the early 90s come to an era where compensation planning is used by
the managers with of web based compensation planning. Refer to Brink and
McDonnell (2003), all the process used to design, communicate and manage pay
are moving toward web applications.
Nowadays the web based compensation and planning are in website become a
trend for the organization applying to prepare for salary planning budget and
the level of salary every employees based on the merits system include
employees performance evaluation, bonus allocation experience, and equity
awards. Using the web based compensation models the managers can carry out
salary planning functions much easier than was possible with paper based
There has many advantages
and benefits in the web based compensation and planning application for the
organization. The first is it can save time for HR staffs to manage with deal to
the employees. This is because every
employee can access the HR department through the web provided includes current
information about compensation policy, program description, an explanation of
qualifications and new forms of compensation from the web application. Besides that,
the web based application can be using anytime at the 24 hours per 7 days. So,
this give benefits for the employees to view their pay and benefits information
and also employees can update their personal profile at home.
Other benefits gain from using the web base
application is data automation. Automation of existing processes and procedures
has cost saving benefits. Significant data automation relieves HR professionals
from routine tasks such as data entry, filing and report writing. Data
importing and exporting are made easy between other office applications
software. Refer to the Wright (2003), estimates that a 12,000 person firm can
save as much as $850,000 per years in administrative costs by automating
compensation planning alone.
In my opinion, the web based compensation
planning can help the HR department analysis the good way in compensation. So, explore
about the web based compensation planning is important to the final years
student in human resources.(392 words)
Brink, S, & McDonnell,
S. (2003) e-Compensation. In the e-merging technologies go-to-guide.
(pp.4.1-4.18). Burtlington, MA: IHRIM Press.
Wright, A. (2003), Tools for automating complex
compensation programs. Compensation & Benefits Review, 35 (6), 53-61.
Stiffler, M. A (2011), Incentive compensation
and the Web. Compensation & Benefits Review, 33 (1), 15-19.
Web Based Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational safety and health (OSH) is related
to the safety and health in the working environment. There have many
organization in governmental bodies are promote occupational safety and health
at work such as the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission in
Australia, Occupational Safety and Health Council in Hong Kong and also Health
and safety Commission in the United Kingdom.
The safety and health at workplace can be
promoting in the education and training, community at the organization. The
effectives of management of OSHA is depend who the organization preventing
hazard in the workplace context by implementing with the comprehensive
management of human resources and organizational strategy.
Web based
Occupational Safety and Health is the best strategy that organizations use to
give the awareness for the employees about the important of the OSH at
workplace. Organization can use the own website to promote the safety among the
employees. Using the safety and health web application facilitates the
management can help the employee welfare to standardize procedures, risk
analysis, approval measures and mentoring Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) process at
the workplace. Besides that, it also can help the organization avoid the
employees injuries with ensure the employees comply with OSHA standard through OSHA
Compliance Assistance in their web based system that contains both online and
written resources. These are including employee training resource, e-Tools,
factsheets on specific health and safety topics, and guidelines for complying
with specific regulations.
Other than that, by using the web based
application occupational safety and heath the organization can gain more
advantages for the organization such as the management can link the
organization with the consultant or agencies of safety and health to get more
information about the safety and health issues that can give knowledge for the
all staff in organization.
The example of database application system OSHA
is OSHA Performance and Tracking Measurement System (OPTMS) to obtain information
on activities related to OSHA CPRA goals. This Web-based system requires no
additional reporting because it includes 276 data elements that already exist
in other OSHA data systems (GAO, 2001). Meanwhile, the Construction Safety and Health Monitoring (CSHM) system is the web-based
system for monitoring and assessing construction safety and health performance.
The design and development of CSHM is an integration of internet and database
systems, with the intent to create a total automated safety and health
management tool. (393 words)
Boyd, (2003) Human Resource Management And Occupational Health And Safety, Simultaneously
Published In The USA And Canada
GAO (2001), Workplace safety and health OSHA
should strengthen the management of its consultation program: report to
congressional committees, DIANE Publishing.
Thite, and D. Johnson (2012). Human Resource Information Systems (2nd ed). New
Katuk. (2009). Web-based support system for flood response operation in
Malaysia. V.18.327.
Waste Management Association, (2006), Introduction to Occupational Safety and
Web-Based Employee Learning and Development
According to Serrat (2009) stated that a
learning organization influence effectiveness in develop organizational. Nowadays,
Employee Learning and Development (ELD) system is most famous. The internet is
one example of technology that offers ways to increase learning, link resources
and share valuable knowledge within and outside an organization. Using the
internet organization can e-mail for accessing courses material and sharing
information about the training, bulletin boards, forums and new group for
posting comments and questions. The advantages of internet based training (IBT)
are universal language, easy and affordable distribution, and new content and
cheap technology. (Ronald R. Sims, 1998)
Besides that, the intranet also can give
effective learning for organization. The primary benefit of an intranet is
ability to focus the content to a particular reason while conquering many of
the technology limitations inherent in the World Wide Web (www). With the intranet,
the trainers can provide employees access to current training materials
incorporating text, graphics, video and audio, available in self-directed mode
at the PC and accessible anyway of geographic location. Computer manufacturer
Hewlett-Packard is company recently completed on on-line, world-wide conference
for about 2,000 employees involved in education and training (Greco 1997). The
advantage of intranet is employees do not have to work around a set schedule
and they will have complete written record of what transpired.
In the web-based technology and ELD system has
the many function such as to handle and organize employees training, career
planning and development. ELD system also can help in analyzing the career of
employee based on their requirement and performance at the same it can propose
the right training that need to upgrade and develop employees knowledge, skills
and abilities. E-learning is example in the ELD system. The advantage of
E-learning is can gain knowledge with low cost than attending training. Besides
that, the employee also can improve their computer skills. But the ELS system
also has the disadvantages such as lack of interaction among trainee. At the
same time they can't refer any one if they didn't understand the information
about the training.
Usually the organization has the ELS system has
more support from the top management. This is because it related a many budget
to develop and also the learning culture of the organization. For my view, for
the one day the ELD systems are more useful in the organizations compare the
traditional-paper method. (394 words)
Alan M.
Saks, Robert R. Haccoun,(2010), Managing Performance Through Training and
Development, Sate of America.
Alfred J. Walker & Towers Perrin. (2001).
Web-Based Human Resources: The Technologies and Trends That Are Transforming
HR. McGraw-Hill.
Ronald R.
Sims, (1998), Reinventing Training and Development, State of America.
Serrat, O. (2009). Building a Learning
Organization. Knowledge Solutions, p.46- 53
Swanson, R.A. (1987), “Training technology
system: a method for identifying and solving training problems in industry and
business”, Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, Vol. 24, pp. 7-17.
Introduction of Web Based Application
For the second reflective, I take the three
topics to discuss. All the topics are related to web based application but in
different areas. First, web based employee learning and development. Second is
web based occupational safety and health and the third one is web based
compensation and planning
Refer to
Netsity Systems, web based application is a software package that can be
accessed through the web browser such as the internet or intranet. The software
and database be present on a central server rather than being installed on the
desktop system and is accessed over a network. The web based applications can
give the advantage of technology today to improve organizations productivity.
The web based application also will give an opportunity in build a clear transition
into the e-business world. (129 words)
Systems Pvt Ltd:
Saturday, 20 October 2012
The information technology is important in business
to ensure that the organization can manage the competitive force with well done.
So, the organization must have the competitive strategy to compete the market
profit. There are five competitive strategies which are cost leadership,
differentiation strategy, innovation strategy, growth strategy, and alliance
there are four classifications of worldwide organizational models which are
Multinational, Global, International and Transnational. Meanwhile, there have three architectures system like standalone
systems, data warehouse model and single integrated system model. The most
advance architectures model is Data Warehouse Model.
For the recruiting and staffing, the manager must
have the good way in make the good strategic staffing plan. This plan allows a
company to see its workforce as a source of competitive advantage instead of a
hit to the bottom line. The e-recruitment is one technology and the internet to
automate the staffing management process. (150 words)
Human Resource Recruiting and Staffing
3 : (Human Resource Recruiting
and Staffing)
Date : 15 October 2012
Venue :
In the global, the
organization must more effective with acquiring and selecting the qualified of
employees. So, to ensure the organization can gain benefits from the staffing,
the Human Resource Manager must select the suitable candidates at the recruitment
process. According to Kanji & Asher (1996), recruitment needs to be filling
by using benchmarking. It is to identify the quality of service and the gaps
that exist between individual and organization. Then, staffing is the process
of selecting and trains the individuals for the specific job and
responsibilities. Nowadays, the most popular method is e-recruitment. Based on
Schreyer & McCarter (1998), e-recruitment is the recruitment process,
including placing job advertisement, receiving resumes, and building human
resources database with candidates and incumbents.
Reynolds and Weiner (2009) stated
that online recruiting and staffing systems to get information about job seekers
and the process to search a job opportunities. When positions are posted, job seeker
information is collected, and tools for gathering evaluative information on
candidates are deployed. All of this data must be maintained to ensure the roles
in hiring process are effectively and properly. Mostly, the information
generated during these steps like The Human Resource Information System (HRIS),
the applicant tracking system (ATS), or within the system that deploys showing
questions, tests, and other forms of evaluation. For example, Sime Darby has strategy in recruitment process with online application in online recruiting to select the candidates in “Career at
Sime Darby” system online application. Form that system, candidates can choice
the suitable career follow the qualification.
Mathis and
Jackson (2005), “A survey of HR recruiters found that one-third of them felt
Internet recruiting created additional work for HR staff members”. It
is reasonable to expect an increase on the number of applications for a job
opening in an economy suffering a crisis, such ours today. More emails to read,
more resumes reviewing. But this can be dealt with the support of proper
software. The advantages from web-based recruiting and staffing are time
savings and cost of a newspaper or postage.
Recruitment and staffing process are important to
ensure that good and suitable candidates for the working environment for any
position to ensure the organization to prevent loss of profit. Besides that, as
the student human resource the recruitment and staffing as a very good topic
to lean to ensure I have knowledge when to work especially for recruiting new employee in using e-recruitment.
(400 words)
Douglas H. Reynolds, John A. Weiner (2009)
Online recruinting and selection: innovation in talent acquisition, John Wiley
& Sons Incorporation, West Sussex, UK.
Hopkins B. &
Markham, J. (2003). E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your
people. Gower Publising Limited.
Knowles, J. S. a. V.
(2000). Graduate recruitment and selection practices in small businesses.
Career Development International, 21-38.
Mathis, R., &
Jackson, J. (2005). Human resource management: Essential perspectives (3rd
ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
Moreland, S. I. a. N.
(1999). Auditing recruitment and selection using generic benchmarking:a case
study. The TQM Magazine. Volume 11, 333-340.
Othman. R &
Musa,N. (2007). E-recruitment Practise: Pros vs. Cons. Public Sectors ICT
Management Review.
Robert E. Ployhart, Benjamin Schneider, Neal
Schmitt (2006) Staffing organizations: contemporary practice and theory,
Lawrence Earlbaum Associates Incorporation Publishers, Mahwah, New Jersey.
Schreyer, R.,
McCarter, J. (1998). The Employer's Guide to Recruiting on the Internet Impact.
Virginia: Impact Publications Manassas Park.
HRIS Systems and Systems Architecture
Topic 2 : (HRIS Systems
and Systems Architecture)
Date : 8 and 15 October 2012
Venue :
HRIS system is a
database designed to allow tracking of all sorts of personnel related
information. The HRIS System is competent to identifying and tracking contacts
with applicants, maintain necessary data on the status of each employee in the
company like if the HRIS System needs to keep path of training functions for
new hires and current workers, the planning software module makes it likely to
plan the overall training program and also keep track of who has participated
and successfully completed each section of the program.
Based on Bearman (1999),
has four categories of worldwide organizational models. First, multinational is
the responsive approach to implementation and management HRIS which being
sensitive to local and regional differences. Second, global is the efficiency
implementing and managing HRIS approach which build a single, standardized, and
centralized system. Third, international is learning and sharing approach which
implementing and managing HRIS by transferring and adapting knowledge and expertise
to local organization. Fourth, transnational will base on all this three
multinational, global and international.
That model use to build the organization performance more efficient.
In the systems of technology
has three basic system architectures create in HRIS. First, a Standalone is operating
system units run it own independent system with no worldwide standard place and
no link with each other. These systems difficulties to do data analyze. Example,
if the company has problem the information is not easily to be sent to the head
quarter because the data are not in their system. Each unit business just update
via email, fax or telephone. Multinational HRIS model in this system.
Second, Data Warehouse, each unit operates standardized the using the same
software system, each database are separate for each region or country and
every units carry the same software version. This can maximize resources and
save costs through common, automatically shared application and benefits to
company dealing with retailer. This data warehouse be defined as international
model that it is an intermediary from global system to multinational system.
Third, Single Integrated system there are only one instance of the
database, generally located at corporate headquarters. These model no need to separate
reporting database because everything was link between each other and the date
and information are automatically update. Although some organization choose in
order to separate transaction processing of transaction from the report analysis.
But, this model also uses the same screens worldwide, with appropriate changes
language for different countries. Most company that will be using this model is
the Global and Transnational HRIS Company. (419 words)
Beaman, Karen V. 1999.
On Globalizing HRIS: Moving to a Transnational Solution. IHRM Journal. Pp-34.
Karen V. 2004. Sourcing Strategies for the Transnational Organization. IHRIM
Journal. Pp 29-38.
Beaman, Karen V. and Walker,
Alfred J. 2000. Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model.Pp 33-34.
Michael J. Kavanagh & Mohan Thite. (2009).
Human Resources Information System: Basic, Applications, and Future Directions.
SAGE Publications Ltd.
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